Friday, January 26, 2007

Jesus Camp

Title: Jesus Camp

Genre: Documentary

Plot Outline: Jesus Camp, directed by Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady, directors of the critically acclaimed The Boys of Baraka, follows Levi, Rachael, and Tory to Pastor Becky Fischer's "Kids on Fire" summer camp in Devil's Lake, North Dakota, where kids as young as 6 years-old are taught to become dedicated Christian soldiers in "God's army." The film follows these children at camp as they hone their "prophetic gifts" and are schooled in how to "take back America for Christ." The film is a first-ever look into an intense training ground that recruits born-again Christian children to become an active part of America's political future.

This is one scary movie, especially since it is really happening out there. These parents are allowing their kids to be brainwashed into extreme-christian-political-soldiers. I couldn't believe some of the activities they had going on at the camp. Worshipping a cardboard cutout of George Bush? Smashing mugs with Government written over them? Putting red tape over their mouths to pledge an end to abortion? Unbelievable. Some of these kids are as young as 5-6 years old! Kids are so impressionable at this age and these people know this and are taking advantage. There are just too many absurdities that you'll just have to see for yourself.

This release is a dvd-rip. Enjoy! And let me know what you think.

Links: imdb, torrent

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