The Departed
Title: The Departed
Genre: Crime / Drama / Thriller
Plot Outline: Years ago, a powerful Irish mafia figure placed a small selection of his youngest, brightest men into the Massachusetts Police Academy as cadets. Their purpose is to eventually rise within the prestigious ranks of the city's police department, to serve as the eyes and ears of their boss. While somewhere else, a young cadet was assigned with an equally dangerous task: infiltrate the Irish syndicate headed by the man sending in his own to the Boston Police. Now, one cadet is an up and coming police official with a torn allegiance to his job and to the criminal mastermind that put him there. While the other cadet is the trusted number two of that man, only finding his professional duties are becoming blurred with his current state. But new clues have lead to unfortunate discoveries, when both sides realize they're being watched by the enemy. It's now all just a matter of time before the men assigned to find out whose the infiltrator, could come to a bloody end when someone's identity may be revealed.
Finally, a good rip of this movie. Previous copies had issues with audio/video sync but this one is perfect. I think I would've liked this movie more if I knew it was an original movie but unfortunately it's a remake of Hong Kong movie Infernal Affairs. I haven't got around to watching all of the original series(3 part trilogy), I did try watching a bit of part 1 but it is so damn similar to The Departed it's hard to watch. Most people seem to like the original better if they've seen both versions. This movie's also getting re-released in the theatres so if you would rather watch it on the big screen, keep an eye out for it.
Great dvd- quality rip with no sync issues. Enjoy!
Update: 800mb aXXo version is out if you want to save bandwidth and space.
Links: imdb, torrent, axxo torrent