Children of Men
Title: Children of Men
Genre: Adventure / Drama / Sci-Fi / Thriller
Plot Outline: In 2027, as humankind faces the likelihood of its own extinction, a disillusioned government agent agrees to help transport and protect a miraculously pregnant woman to a sanctuary at sea where her child's birth may help scientists to save the future of mankind.
This movie has been getting mixed reviews, leaning slightly more towards good than bad. I actually had mixed feelings about this one too after watching it for the first time, so I decided to watch it again last night. This movie starts off showing a depressing look at the future year 2027 where people are held in outdoor prison cages, and the streets look like Times Square in the 80's(dirty). The plot sounds simple enough, and it is executed quite well throughout most of the movie. The only complaint I have is the ending, maybe it's just me but I feel like something's missing. I think if they added maybe another 10-20 minutes at the end it would've made a great movie, but as it is, it feels unfinished. Quite a shame really since I loved the beginning and middle.
Here's a link to a dvd-quality torrent and imdb info. Enjoy!
Update:1-25-06 Axxo has released a 700mb dvd version if you're looking to save bandwidth.
Links: imdb, torrent, axxo torrent
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