Pan's Labyrinth - El Laberinto del Fauno
Title: Pan's Labyrinth - El Laberinto del Fauno
Genre: Drama / Fantasy / Thriller
Plot Outline: "Pan's Labyrinth" is the story of a young girl who travels with her pregnant mother to live with her mother's new husband in a rural area up North in Spain, 1944, after Franco's victory. The girl lives in an imaginary world of her own creation and faces the real world with much chagrin. Post-war Fascist repression is at its height in rural Spain and the girl must come to terms with that through a fable of her own. Personally, I don't see what the fuss is about. Maybe it was all the rave reviews or the high ratings at imdb, but I was expecting much more. Yes, it's a good movie, the animation and costumes are impressive and the story is interesting but I don't think it's amazing. It's hard to compare to some of the recent fantasy films like Lord of the Rings or Chronicles of Narnia because the extreme violence and adult content but I think if you compare storylines and graphics, Lord of the Rings comes out on top. I'll probably watch it one more time in the next week or so just to make sure I caught everything since it is in spanish and subtitled in english.
This torrent is a Dvd Screener. Video and sound are dvd quality and english subtitles are hardcoded into the movie. Not the same as the vhs-screener that was floating around.
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