Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Heroes - TV

Title: Heroes

Genre: Drama / Fantasy

Plot Outline: Heroes is an American drama television series, created by Tim Kring, which premiered on NBC on September 25, 2006. The series tells the story of several people who "thought they were like everyone else... until they woke with incredible abilities" such as telepathy, time travel and flight. These people soon realize they have a role in preventing a catastrophe and saving mankind. The series loosely follows the writing style of American comics by doing short, multi-episode story arcs that build upon a larger, more encompassing arc. Even with small story arcs that move the story forward, Kring said he mapped out where he intends the show to go for the next five seasons. When the series premiered in the United States, it was the night's most-watched program among adults 18-49, attracting 14.3 million viewers overall and receiving the highest rating for any NBC drama premiere in five years. On October 6, 2006, NBC Entertainment President Kevin Reilly announced Heroes had been picked up for a full season. On January 17, 2007, Reilly announced Heroes had been picked up for a second season.

I Really Love This Show! Yes, I had to emphasize that. If you live in the US and do not know about or watch this show, What is wrong with you? Seriously. Ok enough. This is a show about superhero abilities showing up in ordinary people. I like the way they have been developing the characters and displaying their powers. It doesn't feel cheesy like some comic book movies i've seen, it's also quite graphic for a network television show. There's so many characters and storylines to get into so i'll leave it up to you to download and watch. The second part of Season 1 has just started up again, but for those who haven't seen any episodes i'll put up a torrent for episodes 1-11 which is something like 4 gigs and episode 12 which just aired this week.

These are all good rips of the show. not HD but great SD quality. The Torrent for episodes 1-11 also comes with the graphic novels, haven't seen them yet but i'm sure they're worth a look.

Links: imdb, torrent ep.1-11, torrent ep.12

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