Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Departed

Title: The Departed

Genre: Crime / Drama / Thriller

Plot Outline: Years ago, a powerful Irish mafia figure placed a small selection of his youngest, brightest men into the Massachusetts Police Academy as cadets. Their purpose is to eventually rise within the prestigious ranks of the city's police department, to serve as the eyes and ears of their boss. While somewhere else, a young cadet was assigned with an equally dangerous task: infiltrate the Irish syndicate headed by the man sending in his own to the Boston Police. Now, one cadet is an up and coming police official with a torn allegiance to his job and to the criminal mastermind that put him there. While the other cadet is the trusted number two of that man, only finding his professional duties are becoming blurred with his current state. But new clues have lead to unfortunate discoveries, when both sides realize they're being watched by the enemy. It's now all just a matter of time before the men assigned to find out whose the infiltrator, could come to a bloody end when someone's identity may be revealed.

Finally, a good rip of this movie. Previous copies had issues with audio/video sync but this one is perfect. I think I would've liked this movie more if I knew it was an original movie but unfortunately it's a remake of Hong Kong movie Infernal Affairs. I haven't got around to watching all of the original series(3 part trilogy), I did try watching a bit of part 1 but it is so damn similar to The Departed it's hard to watch. Most people seem to like the original better if they've seen both versions. This movie's also getting re-released in the theatres so if you would rather watch it on the big screen, keep an eye out for it.

Great dvd- quality rip with no sync issues. Enjoy!

Update: 800mb aXXo version is out if you want to save bandwidth and space.

Links: imdb, torrent, axxo torrent

Pan's Labyrinth - El Laberinto del Fauno

Title: Pan's Labyrinth - El Laberinto del Fauno

Genre: Drama / Fantasy / Thriller

Plot Outline: "Pan's Labyrinth" is the story of a young girl who travels with her pregnant mother to live with her mother's new husband in a rural area up North in Spain, 1944, after Franco's victory. The girl lives in an imaginary world of her own creation and faces the real world with much chagrin. Post-war Fascist repression is at its height in rural Spain and the girl must come to terms with that through a fable of her own.

Personally, I don't see what the fuss is about. Maybe it was all the rave reviews or the high ratings at imdb, but I was expecting much more. Yes, it's a good movie, the animation and costumes are impressive and the story is interesting but I don't think it's amazing. It's hard to compare to some of the recent fantasy films like Lord of the Rings or Chronicles of Narnia because the extreme violence and adult content but I think if you compare storylines and graphics, Lord of the Rings comes out on top. I'll probably watch it one more time in the next week or so just to make sure I caught everything since it is in spanish and subtitled in english.

This torrent is a Dvd Screener. Video and sound are dvd quality and english subtitles are hardcoded into the movie. Not the same as the vhs-screener that was floating around.

Links: imdb, torrent

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Making of Jackass 2-Deleted Scenes

Title: Making of Jackass 2 - Deleted Scenes

Genre: Documentary / Comedy

Plot Outline: None, cmon it's Jackass

This is a hour and a half video from the Jackass 2 dvd that was released. Not sure if it's from the rated or unrated version and how much more footage there is. The first half hour or so is the "Making of" and the rest are deleted scenes as well as some extensions of the theatrical scenes. If you liked the movie you should check this out, i'm sure you won't be dissapointed.

If you didn't catch the whole movie i'll throw that up as well, and of course its dvd-quality since its from the dvd. Jackass.

Links: imdb, deleted scenes torrent, movie torrent

Friday, January 26, 2007

Jesus Camp

Title: Jesus Camp

Genre: Documentary

Plot Outline: Jesus Camp, directed by Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady, directors of the critically acclaimed The Boys of Baraka, follows Levi, Rachael, and Tory to Pastor Becky Fischer's "Kids on Fire" summer camp in Devil's Lake, North Dakota, where kids as young as 6 years-old are taught to become dedicated Christian soldiers in "God's army." The film follows these children at camp as they hone their "prophetic gifts" and are schooled in how to "take back America for Christ." The film is a first-ever look into an intense training ground that recruits born-again Christian children to become an active part of America's political future.

This is one scary movie, especially since it is really happening out there. These parents are allowing their kids to be brainwashed into extreme-christian-political-soldiers. I couldn't believe some of the activities they had going on at the camp. Worshipping a cardboard cutout of George Bush? Smashing mugs with Government written over them? Putting red tape over their mouths to pledge an end to abortion? Unbelievable. Some of these kids are as young as 5-6 years old! Kids are so impressionable at this age and these people know this and are taking advantage. There are just too many absurdities that you'll just have to see for yourself.

This release is a dvd-rip. Enjoy! And let me know what you think.

Links: imdb, torrent

New Stuff

I'm trying out a couple of these blog thingies called widgets. First one is from, its a cool little widget that lets you share any kind of files. I'm just using it for mp3's now, but I guess it could be used to host torrents if piratebay decides to stop allowing direct-linking. All the music on there now is old stuff, im not too into nor have I had the time to look for new stuff.

The other widget is a chat widget from, has a nice interface and looks to be functioning well. Both of these widgets are of course free, all you have to do is go to their site to customize your own and grab the code. Enjoy!

Deja Vu

Title: Deja Vu

Genre: Action / Romance / Sci-Fi / Thriller

Plot Outline: Denzel Washington plays Doug Carlin, an ATF agent who is called in to recover evidence in the investigation of a New Orleans ferry bombing and experiences a revelation that could allow him to save hundreds of innocent people.

I didn't like imdb's plot outline for this one, I think it gave away too much of the plot if you haven't seen it yet. This movie was directed by Tony Scott and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer. These 2 have teamed up in the past for movies like Top Gun, Days of Thunder, and Enemy of the State. Tony Scott has also directed True Romance and Man on Fire. I enjoyed all of these movies, they weren't oscar worthy, but they were definitely entertaining and isn't that what movies are all about? Deja Vu doesn't dissapoint, it has plenty of action and cool techno-gadgets, along with a good cast of well-known actors. Honestly I can't remember any decent movies with Val Kilmer since Top Gun, although I know he has been in a number. Again no oscar-worthy performances here but its worth the bandwidth.

This release is labeled telecine, but looks like it may be a very good telesync. Video is a little blurry, some cropping on sides, audio is decent. Watchable.

Links: imdb, torrent

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Ok, well that's it for tonight. I'm going to check out the new rips of The Prestige and Deja Vu tonight so i'll try to post those tommorow. Already saw The Prestige which was good, and Denzel hasn't dissapointed too much so i'm really looking forward to Deja Vu. Might also do a review of chinese movie Curse of the Golden Flower if I get around to watching it.

Again, all pics on this site were ripped from the actual releases you'll be downloading, plot outlines are usually taken from imdb, except for Heroes which is from wikipedia. Thinking of putting up links to trailers, although you can just get them from the imdb page. Anyone want to see anything else added? Leave your comments, good or bad.

Heroes - TV

Title: Heroes

Genre: Drama / Fantasy

Plot Outline: Heroes is an American drama television series, created by Tim Kring, which premiered on NBC on September 25, 2006. The series tells the story of several people who "thought they were like everyone else... until they woke with incredible abilities" such as telepathy, time travel and flight. These people soon realize they have a role in preventing a catastrophe and saving mankind. The series loosely follows the writing style of American comics by doing short, multi-episode story arcs that build upon a larger, more encompassing arc. Even with small story arcs that move the story forward, Kring said he mapped out where he intends the show to go for the next five seasons. When the series premiered in the United States, it was the night's most-watched program among adults 18-49, attracting 14.3 million viewers overall and receiving the highest rating for any NBC drama premiere in five years. On October 6, 2006, NBC Entertainment President Kevin Reilly announced Heroes had been picked up for a full season. On January 17, 2007, Reilly announced Heroes had been picked up for a second season.

I Really Love This Show! Yes, I had to emphasize that. If you live in the US and do not know about or watch this show, What is wrong with you? Seriously. Ok enough. This is a show about superhero abilities showing up in ordinary people. I like the way they have been developing the characters and displaying their powers. It doesn't feel cheesy like some comic book movies i've seen, it's also quite graphic for a network television show. There's so many characters and storylines to get into so i'll leave it up to you to download and watch. The second part of Season 1 has just started up again, but for those who haven't seen any episodes i'll put up a torrent for episodes 1-11 which is something like 4 gigs and episode 12 which just aired this week.

These are all good rips of the show. not HD but great SD quality. The Torrent for episodes 1-11 also comes with the graphic novels, haven't seen them yet but i'm sure they're worth a look.

Links: imdb, torrent ep.1-11, torrent ep.12

The Host - Gwoemul

Title: The Host

Original Korean Title: Gwoemul

Genre: Action / Comedy / Drama / Fantasy / Horror / Sci-Fi / Thriller

Plot Outline: The film revolves around Park Hee-bong (played by Byun Hee-bong), a man in his late 60s. Park runs a small snack bar on the banks of the Seoul's Han River and lives with his two sons, one daughter and one granddaughter. The Parks seem to lead a quite ordinary and peaceful life, or maybe a tad bit poorer than the average Seoulite. Hee-bong's elder son Gang-du (by Song Gang-ho) is an immature and incompetent man in his 40s, whose wife left home long ago. Nam-il (by Park Hae-il) is the youngest son, an unemployed grumbler, and daughter Nam-joo (by Bae Du-na) is an archery medalist and member of the national team. One day, an unidentified mutant suddenly appears from the depths of the Han River and spreads panic and death, and Gang-du's daughter Hyun-seo is carried off by the monster and disappears. All the family members are in a great agony as they have lost someone dearest to them. But as they find out she is still alive, they resolve to save her.

I don't watch too much asian cinema, but I couldn't resist watching this one after I heard about its box office success in Korea. It is supposedly the highest grossing movie of all time over there. Not to mention all the good reviews and pretty high rating over at imdb, especially for a horror/comedy movie. I'm really glad I did watch this, I was surprised at the quality of animation. The mutant monster looks very convincing and the scenes where it's running through the streets look equally realistic. Interesting note over at imdb is that the beginning of this movie is based on a true story, here's the link if you're interested. This movie is also scheduled for a limited theater release in the US in March. Why wait? Download it today!

The quality is Dvd-rip with korean subtitles hardcoded so there's no need to bother with subtitle files.

Links: imdb, torrent


Title: Apocalypto

Genre: Action / Adventure / Drama / Romance

Plot Outline: Set in the Mayan civilization, when a man's idyllic presence is brutally disrupted by a violent invading force, he is taken on a perilous journey to a world ruled by fear and oppression where a harrowing end awaits him. Through a twist of fate and spurred by the power of his love for his woman and his family he will make a desperate break to return home and to ultimately save his way of life.

Wow! What a great movie. I'm pissed that I didn't go to the theater for this one but oh well. I think Mel Gibson is a fine director, Braveheart is still up there on my all time favorites and who could forget the controversial Passion of the Christ. I love the violence and brutality, these movies would not have had the same effect without it. His movies make me feel like i've travelled back in time, everything feels authentic. This movie is hard to watch not only because of the violence but also the degradation and shame, but again this all adds to the reality. I really don't know what else to say about this one, Go and watch it now!

The quality is dvd-screener, there is a little hiccup on part 2 but its not bad at all.

Links: imdb, torrent

Friday, January 12, 2007

Children of Men

Title: Children of Men

Genre: Adventure / Drama / Sci-Fi / Thriller

Plot Outline: In 2027, as humankind faces the likelihood of its own extinction, a disillusioned government agent agrees to help transport and protect a miraculously pregnant woman to a sanctuary at sea where her child's birth may help scientists to save the future of mankind.

This movie has been getting mixed reviews, leaning slightly more towards good than bad. I actually had mixed feelings about this one too after watching it for the first time, so I decided to watch it again last night. This movie starts off showing a depressing look at the future year 2027 where people are held in outdoor prison cages, and the streets look like Times Square in the 80's(dirty). The plot sounds simple enough, and it is executed quite well throughout most of the movie. The only complaint I have is the ending, maybe it's just me but I feel like something's missing. I think if they added maybe another 10-20 minutes at the end it would've made a great movie, but as it is, it feels unfinished. Quite a shame really since I loved the beginning and middle.

Here's a link to a dvd-quality torrent and imdb info. Enjoy!
Update:1-25-06 Axxo has released a 700mb dvd version if you're looking to save bandwidth.

Links: imdb, torrent, axxo torrent

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

TV series 24 Leaked!

Title: 24 Season 6 Ep. 1 - 4

Genre: Action / Drama / Mystery / Thriller

Plot Outline: Season Six picks up 20 months after last season's shocking season finale, when Jack Bauer was captured by Chinese government agents battered, bloodied and headed for points unknown. As a series of horrific terrorist attacks rocks the nation, President Wayne Palmer, the strong-minded brother of the late President David Palmer, and his team of advisors, Karen Hayes and Thomas Lennox as well as CTU colleagues Chloe O'Brian, Curtis Manning and Bill Buchanan begin an unthinkable, nail-biting day.

I'm sure there are hardcore fans of this show that know about the first four episodes being leaked on the internet a week before the season premiere. For those that don't know you're in luck. I'm not too much of a fan because all the seasons seem a little bit too similar for me but I know that a ton of people still watch this show. It's worth mentioning that these episodes are scheduled to be released on dvd on January 16th so if you want to wait for that, be my guest.

Links: imdb, torrent

Monday, January 8, 2007

What's a CAM?!?!

If you're interested in getting movies off the net but not sure what all those fancy terms mean, here's a little something to get you started.

Q. What's a CAM, Workprint, Telesync, Telecine, Screener, DVDRip?

CAM - This type of VCD was recorded by someone in a cinema with a camcorder and the audience can be heard! The picture quality is usually not that great and the sound is usually bad.

Telesync - These are also recorded in a cinema but usually on an expensive camera and they should have a seperate audio source (so the audience cannot be heard), these are generally very good quality and highly watchable.

Telecine - Done a number of ways, all from taking directly from the reel. Ripped in either widescreen (letterbox) or in full-screen (pan and scan) with excellent audio and video. The most common way is to get a device that you attach to the reel that generates a VHS tape of the reel. (called a telecine machine, but there are other machines that generate a digital output of both audio and video that are then put into a laptop or VCR and made into a VCD).

Screener - A Screener is usually recorded from a promotional video tape which is sent to censors and film critics etc.. The quality is usually as good as a commercial VCD, some times a copyright message appears on the screen.

Work-Print - Each frame of the film is copied from celluloid (or another source), these are sometimes incomplete movies. The sound is usually perfect and the visual quality can vary.

LD/DVDRip - VCDs with this on the cover are ripped from DVD or Laserdisc versions of the film and the quality is as good as genuine VCDs.

I don't watch too many cams so you won't see many links to them, unless the movie is too good to wait for a decent copy. There have been a good amount of screeners out there, especially during this time of year when studios are sending copies to critics and others, looking to get nominated for awards and such.

I've also put up some links to sites that will help you along your way. They're on the left somewhere.


Title: Idiocracy

Genre: Adventure / Comedy / Sci-Fi

Plot Outline: Private Joe Bauer, an Army librarian, is judged to be absolutely average in every regard, has no relatives, has no future, so he's chosen to be one of the two test subjects in a top-secret hibernation program. He and hooker Rita were to awaken in one years, but things go wrong and they wake up instead in 2505. By this time, stupid people have outbred intelligent people; the world is (barely) run by morons--and Joe and Rita are the smartest people in America.

Here's another one you might have missed. Idiocracy was written and directed by Mike Judge (Beavis and Butthead, Office Space). Not sure exactly what happened, but it looks like the studios or distributors dropped this movie before it made it to the theaters. It's a shame because while not being a great film it is definitely better than some comedies being shown on the big screen. Don't expect any oscar-worthy performances or deep storyline in this one, instead look forward to some hilarious scenes of what might become of mankind in the year 2025. Luke Wilson does a decent acting job I suppose, but Terry Crews as President Camacho is priceless. If you don't know his name, look him up on imdb and i'm sure you'll recognize him.

This copy is dvd-quality. Also, there is a little scene at the end after the credits.

Links: imdb, torrent

Stranger Than Fiction

Ok, This blog will not only be about new releases in the theater, but also about movies I just get around to seeing. Format will be, imdb info up top my review in the middle and links on bottom. I'll put up links to the movies imdb page as well as to a working torrent (bittorrent). I don't think that would be a problem since I see it being done on other blogs. Screenshots are of the actual copy so you can see if it's good enough for you to download. Feel free to leave any comments, good or bad, I always love a good debate or discussion.

Now onto the post!

Title: Stranger Than Fiction

Genre: Comedy / Drama / Fantasy / Romance

Plot Outline: Karen Effiel is an author writing her latest novel about an isolated man named Harold Crick. What she doesn't know is that her fictionalized character is real. The real Harold Crick is an IRS agent who has lived a dull existence and one day begins to hear Karen's voice as she narrates what she puts on paper to what Harold has and is doing. Because of this Harold enlists the help of a literary professor to find out what is happening and ends up changing things about his life including beginning a relationship with his IRS client, a government-hating bakery owner named Ana Pascal. Harold, however, finds trouble when he hears that Karen plans to kill him.

I've been a fan of Will since 'Old School', I loved that movie so much I went to see it in the theater twice in the same day. Now don't get me wrong, I like his other movies but the comedy was a little too over-the-top for me, then this little movie came along. Will seemed a little uncomfortable with the subdued comedy but I think he did a wonderful job of portraying his intended character. The other actors were entertaining also, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Emma Thompson put in good performances. The only negative comments I have, some of the casting (Dustin Hoffman, Queen Latifah) and how it doesn't go a bit deeper into the relationship between Will and Maggie. If I had to compare this movie to others I would say it has a similar feel to 'Eternal Sunshine...', both are darkly comedic with a bit of romance and surrealism.

The quality of this release seems like a telesync, video is a bit blurry but definitely watchable.

LINKS: imdb, torrent

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Well, Hello There!

My New Year's Resolution?
Blog, That's right i've decided to try my hand at this crazy thing called Blogging. I'll probably focus on keeping you updated with movies, music, and other fun stuff. If you don't like it you can leave. Bye.